hi guys it's my pleasure to present my first work based of turkish league on pes(ps4) https://mega.nz/#!acp2BaJA!YOvYdpk9R7j2LfJ--mrcedo-uXAdJLfb6bdpsxE3zqY http://www.mediafire.com/file/pf1793knhda6q91/SuperLig_Turkey_Teams_1617_agg_6_gen_by_renzii.5451.rar a real thanks to:Armandrillo,Capitan Marchisio,Macosx,Tekask1903,and others kitmaker(that i can not remember) the only thing when entering the teams, remember that 14 are changed to Russian ones, and the remaining three will put the fake images of the peu league that have been overwritten